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Avoid Tenant Headaches: Automate Your Rental Property Management with PropertyJinni

Avoid Tenant Headaches: Automate Your Rental Property Management with PropertyJinni
Dealing with rental property tenant issues like late payments, maintenance requests and complaints can quickly become a nightmare for UK landlords. Constant disruptions waste time and create unnecessary stress.
But automating oversight tasks through a streamlined property management software like PropertyJinni can eliminate many of these headaches.
PropertyJinni centralizes workflows and communication into one seamless platform. Repetitive administrative work is automated based on pre-defined rules and schedules. This hands-free system significantly reduces tenant headaches so you can focus on high-value priorities.

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Let’s review key ways PropertyJinni automates rental property management:
Automated Rent Collection
PropertyJinni facilitates automated rent collection through:
  • Online tenant portals for secure payments
  • Recurring payment schedules ensure on-time monthly rent
  • Notifications sent automatically if payment is late
  • Late fees can be applied automatically per your policy
This automation eliminates late rent payment stress and excuses.
Streamlined Maintenance Workflow
PropertyJinni automates coordination and follow-up for maintenance:
  • Tenants submit requests online providing details
  • Requests automatically routed to the right landlord contact
  • All messages and updates logged in one place
  • Reminders and tracking ensure issues are resolved promptly
This prevents you from constantly fielding maintenance calls and questions.
Scheduled Notifications
PropertyJinni enables automated distribution of key tenant notices:
  • Lease renewal invites sent 60 days prior to expiration
  • Pre-inspection reminders distributed per city ordinance
  • Scheduled rent increase notifications based on your timeline
These scheduled communications promote organized operations.
Instant Accounting Reports
PropertyJinni automates financial tracking and reporting:
  • Rent automatically logged when tenants pay online
  • Dashboard gives real-time view of rental income vs expenses
  • Scheduled reports on profitability and operating metrics
This provides financial insights without manual accounting effort.
Simplified Document Management
PropertyJinni centralizes your rental documents and enables automation:
  • Lease contracts and addendums stored digitally
  • Tenants upload documents like pet records online
  • Paperwork easily searchable by property or tenant
This eliminates wasted time searching for paperwork.
Mobile Property Oversight
PropertyJinni enables on-the-go automation:
  • Access dashboard, tenant details and documents from mobile
  • Instantly approve maintenance requests and payments
  • Notify tenants of issues and schedule changes remotely
You remain connected wherever you are to address issues promptly.

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By leveraging process automation, PropertyJinni eliminates the most common headaches and disruptions for rental property owners. This enables time savings and productivity gains that can be redirected to focus on customer service and portfolio growth.
Sign up for a free account to leverage PropertyJinni and transform the way you manage your residential or commercial rental properties.

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