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Streamlining Tenant Communication with PropertyJinni’s Property Management Software

Streamlining Tenant Communication with PropertyJinni
Clear and responsive communication with tenants is essential for keeping rentals occupied and operational. Yet fielding phone calls and emails from tenants can demand substantial time for landlords each day.
Implementing an automated property management software solution like PropertyJinni can revolutionize tenant communication through centralized online portals, built-in messaging, and automated notifications.

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PropertyJinni’s tools simplify and streamline communication workflows to provide transparency for tenants and time savings for landlords. Let’s explore the key ways PropertyJinni software optimizes rental property communication:
Tenant Online Portal
At the heart of PropertyJinni is a branded, customizable tenant portal that functions as a self-service hub enabling tenants to:
  • Pay rent online through secure payment processing
  • Submit maintenance requests by completing customizable forms
  • Upload documents like pet registrations required by the lease
  • View lease documents, statements, notices and other records
This 24/7 portal dramatically reduces repetitive emails and calls to landlords.
Two-Way Messaging
The tenant portal has integrated messaging that allows seamless conversations between landlords and tenants. Dialogue can be initiated by either party and is securely documented.
Landlords can easily respond to maintenance requests, payment issues, tenant queries and other needs through the user-friendly messaging. This prevents extensive back-and-forth emails.
Automated Notifications
PropertyJinni enables landlords to configure triggered notifications that are automatically sent to tenants:
  • Late rent payment reminders and overdue notices
  • Lease renewal invites prior to expiration
  • Pre-inspection reminders listing requirements
  • Scheduled rent increase alerts based on timeline
Automating these repetitive messages at scale creates major time savings.
Maintenance Ticket Communication
When tenants submit maintenance requests, landlords and assigned contractors can communicate directly within each ticket through comments. Updates are documented throughout the process from submission to resolution.
This centralized communication ensures full transparency.

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Email and SMS Capabilities
In addition to in-platform messaging, PropertyJinni enables landlords to blast announcements via email and SMS text message with a few clicks.
This makes informing tenants of bigger updates fast and simple.
By centralizing communication through automated tools, PropertyJinni simplifies correspondence at scale for landlords managing any portfolio size. The software removes manual processes and establishes transparent engagement channels that improve the tenant experience.
Sign up for a free account to streamline communication and maximize efficiency across your rental properties today.

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