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Category: Tenant Management

manage tenant complaints

Happy Tenants, Happy Landlord: PropertyJinni Handles Tenant Complaints with Ease

Introduction: Elevating Tenant Satisfaction with PropertyJinni Welcome to the future of property management in the United Kingdom. Achieving tenant satisfaction is an essential, yet often challenging goal for landlords. Quick...

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Empower Guests with Direct Bookings through PropertyJinni’s Portal

Empower Guests with Direct Bookings through PropertyJinni’s Portal

Introduction In the dynamic arena of short-term rentals where both convenience and efficiency are non-negotiable for guests, the advent of features facilitating direct bookings is revolutionising how rental spaces are...

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Easily Schedule and Manage Applicant Viewings with PropertyJinni

Easily Schedule and Manage Applicant Viewings with PropertyJinni.

Scheduling and managing applicant viewings is a pivotal, yet often daunting task in the life of UK landlords. This crucial step in the letting process is usually fraught with challenges...

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